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Turbo Server applications can be configured to allow user credential delegation using the Kerberos protocol in order to avoid multiple logins when launching a web application.

Azure AD SSO requires all servers in the farm to use https in order to keep users data secure. Make sure SSL is enabled during installation or install SSL from the /admin/servers/ page.

Configure Turbo Server

To enable Kerberos delegation during application launches, navigate to the workspace administration site and push the Settings button on the application for which the feature is desired. On the application's General Settings page, scroll down to Profile Mode and select Kerberos from the dropdown.

Application Profile Mode

This feature is currently only implemented for the Windows native client. HTML5 and mobile clients will behave as if the Ask for Credentials profile mode is selected.

Configure Client Machines

Each client machine where users will connect to the Application Server requires the Credentials Delegation policy to be configured and the SSL gateway be disabled on the Turbo Client.

In the Group Policy Editor, go to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Credentials Delegation > Allow delegating default credentials.


Check the Enabled checkbox and press the Show... button. For each Application Server that is in the Turbo Server farm, add an entry in the following format: TERMSRV/[server], where server is the fully qualified domain name of the Application Server. For example, if the domain name is and the Application Server name is turbo1, then the correct entry value would be TERMSRV/


Add "enableRdpGateway":"false" to C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Turbo\Containers\settings.json while maintaining proper JSON syntax.

Example settings.json:


Run turbo config to verify SSL gateway is disabled:

> turbo config
Domain URL:
Turbo Drive (T: drive): Enabled
SSL gateway: Disabled
Image cache size: unlimited
Image GC interval: never
Image GC expiration: 90 days
Trusted sources:

When SSL gateway is disabled the client system will connect to the application servers directly.