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The commit command builds an image from a container. The image is built from the container's most recent state.

Usage: commit <options> <container> <image> [--args <startup file params>]

<options> available:
      --ad-domain-allow=VALUE Allow execution from the Active Directory domain
      --ad-domain-deny=VALUE  Disallow execution from the Active Directory domain
      --ad-group-allow=VALUE  Allow execution for members of the Active Directory group
      --ad-group-deny=VALUE   Disallow execution for members of the Active Directory group
  -e, --env=VALUE             Set environment variables inside the container
      --env-file=VALUE        Read in a line delimited file of ENV variables
      --format=VALUE          Use the specified format for output. Supported values: json
      --hosts=VALUE           Add an entry to the virtual /etc/hosts file (<redirect>:<name>)
      --no-base               Do not merge the base image into the new image
      --no-base-file-assocs   Do not merge the file associations from the base image into the new image
      --overwrite             Overwrite existing image
      --route-add=VALUE       Add route mapping. Supported protocols: ip, pipe, tcp, udp
      --route-block=VALUE     Block specified route or protocol. Supported protocols: ip, tcp, udp
      --route-file=VALUE      Read in a INI file of routing configuration
      --startup-file=VALUE    Override the default startup file and save it to the committed image
      --trigger=VALUE         Execute named group of startup files
      --wait-after-error      Leave process open after error
      --wait-after-exit       Leave process open after it exits

Merging Images

The commit command will merge all the base images used in the container. This behavior can be overridden with the --no-base flag.

For example, if a container were created with the command turbo run git/git,nuget/nuget and later committed with the command turbo commit <container id> my-new-image, the new image would contain:

  • Any files and registry keys created or modified in the container
  • The files and registry keys from the git/git image
  • The files and registry keys from the nuget/nuget image

However, if the same container were committed with the command turbo commit --no-base <container id> my-new-image, my-new-image would only contain the files and registry keys created or modified in the container. The git/git and nuget/nuget images are included as a dependency at runtime.

Startup File

To alter the selected startup file, apply the new value with --startup-file parameter. All parameters which are passed after the --args flag will be used as parameters to the startup file.

JSON output

When --format=json option was passed this command will provide output in JSON format. It will contain either an image object with information about commited image or an error object if command failed.