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The containers command lists all sessions on the local machine.

Usage: sessions <options>
       containers <options>

<options> available:
      --all-users            Applies the configuration settings to All Users
      --csv                  Print output with tab-separated columns
      --format=VALUE         Use the specified format for output. Supported values: json, rcp
      --include=VALUE        Specify a column that is to be returned
  -l, --latest               List the most recently created session
  -n, --number=VALUE         List the 'n' most recently created sessions
      --no-trunc             Don't truncate output
      --wait-after-error     Leave session open after error
      --wait-after-exit      Leave session open after it exits

Command line flags for the sessions flag serve to modify or filter the command's results.

# Only show most recently created session
> turbo sessions -l

ID            Images                  Command      Created               Status
--            ------                  -------      -------               ------
db4d5baff206  windows/clean                    9/3/2014 11:26:35 AM  Stopped

# Show last 'n' created sessions
> turbo sessions -n=3
ID            Images                  Command      Created               Status
--            ------                  -------      -------               ------
db4d5baff206  windows/clean                      9/3/2014 11:26:35 AM  Stopped
b5c63c6d242e  nodejs/nodejs           node app.js  9/3/2014 11:25:18 AM  Running
b92981a3dd27  nodejs/nodejs           node app.js  9/3/2014 11:05:36 AM  Stopped

If the value specified for -n is greater than the number of sessions present on the local machine, all of the sessions are listed (same result as running turbo sessions).

Formatting Results

The table that is returned by the sessions command is space-formatted. If you wish to return the table with tabs between each column then use the --csv flag.

> turbo sessions --csv

Data in the table returned by the sessions command is truncated so that it prints nicely and is easily readable in a command prompt. If you wish to view the untruncated data in each column, use the --no-trunc flag.

> turbo sessions --no-trunc

The --no-trunc flag includes additional columns in the output, Ports, Settings and VM version, as seen below.

ID                                Images       Command  Created               Status   Ports      Settings  VM version
--                                ------       -------  -------               ------   -----      --------  ----------
df6ac93f8b6147b986d4c7849c3dcef0  ghost:0.5.1           8/26/2014 3:27:17 PM  Running  8080:2368  SpawnVm   11.6.270
d6e44ae706c44ed1bd75a0830bed3239  ghost:0.5.1           8/26/2014 3:22:14 PM  Stopped             SpawnVm   11.6.270

The Ports column contains active port mappings. See the turbo netstat command for more information. The VM version contains version number of VM used to create and run session.

JSON output

When --format=json option was passed this command will provide output in JSON format. It will contain either a sessions array with information about available sessions or an error object if command failed.