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The logs command displays the logs for a container. This is especially useful for debugging or inspecting containers.

Usage: turbo logs <options> <container>

<options> available:
      --diagnostic           Show diagnostic logs
  -f                         Follow log output
      --format=VALUE         Use json format for output
      --list                 List available logs
      --pid=VALUE            Show logs for specified process (default: 0=main process of container)
  -s                         Show stream prefixes of log entries
      --stderr               Only show the stderr logs
      --stdout               Only show the stdout logs
  -t                         Show timestamps of log entries
      --tail=VALUE           Only show the last VALUE lines of each log file

Only the standard streams for a container are recorded and logged. To enable more comprehensive logging, use the --diagnostic flag of the run command when the container is created or of the start command when the container is restarted.

Previous logs are kept until the next start of a given container instance. Logs can be viewed at any time. To see available logs, use the --list flag.

# Show only stdout or stderr logs
> turbo logs --stdout 2de7fda8

> turbo logs --stderr 2de7fda8

# Show timestamps for log entries
> turbo logs -t 2de7fda8

# Show stream prefixes of log entries
> turbo logs -s 2de7fda8

# Follow log output in real-time
> turbo logs -f 2de7fda8

# Similar to Unix 'tail', only show last 5 lines
> turbo logs --tail=5 2de7fda8

# Show diagnostic logs instead of standard streams
> turbo logs --diagnostic 2de7fda8

# Show logs for specified process
> turbo logs --pid=666 2de7fda8

# List available logs
> turbo logs --list 2de7fda8

JSON output

When --format=json option was passed this command will provide output in JSON format. It can contain streamLogs and diagnosticLogs arrays if asked for list of logs, a log string if asked for specific log, or an error object if command failed.