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The history command lists all images used in the past.

Usage: turbo history <options> <image>

<options> available:
      --csv                  Print output with tab-separated columns
      --format=VALUE         Use json format for output
  -n=VALUE                   List the 'n' most recently used images
      --no-trunc             Don't truncate output

The most used recent images are listed first.

# List the recently used images
> turbo history

ID            Last used             Name            Tag
--            ---------             ----            ---
73dfe6973074  8/29/2014 4:51:08 PM  nodejs/nodejs      
07b66f57ed8d  8/29/2014 4:50:33 PM  git/git

To show the history of a certain image, use turbo history image-name.

By default 50 entries are shown. Specify -n flag to show more entries.

The results of turbo history are truncated so that they are most readable in the command prompt. To prevent Turbo from truncating data, specify the --no-trunc flag.

The --csv flag can be specified to return the output as a tab-separated table.

JSON output

When --format=json option was passed this command will provide output in JSON format. It will contain either an images array with information about list of recently images or an error object if command failed.