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Folder Variables

Turbo VM maps well known root folders such as Documents and Program Files based on the host operating system at runtime.

These variables may also be used in TurboScript and as part of command-line arguments when building images or starting Turbo containers.

Note: Folder variables are case sensitive. They must appear in all caps to be recgonized by the command processor.

@APPDIR@(Application Directory): Folder where the virtual application executable resides.
@WINDIR@(Windows): The operating system installation location root as in c:\windows.
@SYSDRIVE@(System Drive): The root folder of the drive containing the operating system installation as in c:.
@PROGRAMFILES@(Program Files): The 64-bit Program Files folder.
@PROGRAMFILESX86@(Program Files (x86)): The 32-bit Program Files folder. Program Files on 32-bit platform, and Program Files (x86) on 64-bit platform.
@PROGRAMFILESCOMMON@(Program Files\Common): The 64-bit Program Files\Common folder.
@PROGRAMFILESCOMMONX86@(Program Files (x86)\Common): The 32-bit Program Files folder\Common. Program Files\Common on 32-bit platform, and Program Files (x86)\Common on 64-bit platform.
@APPDATACOMMON@(ProgramData): The folder that serves as a common repository for application-specific data shared by all users.
@SYSTEM@(Windows\System32): The Windows 64-bit System32 folder.
@SYSWOW64@(Windows\SysWOW64): The Windows 32-bit System32 folder. Windows\System32 on 32-bit platform and Windows\SysWOW64 on 64-bit platform.
@APPDATALOCAL@(Current User Directory\AppData\Local): The folder that serves as a common repository for application-specific data used by the current, non-roaming user.
@APPDATALOCALLOW@(Current User Directory\AppData\LocalLow): The folder that serves as a common repository for application-specific data used by the current, non-roaming user for applications running with the Low integrity level.
@APPDATA@(Current User Directory\AppData\Roaming): The folder that serves as a common repository for application-specific data for the current roaming user.
@STARTUP@(Current User Directory\Start Menu\Programs\Startup): The folder containing the current user's startup items.
@PROGRAMS@(Current User Directory\Start Menu\Programs): The folder containing the user's program groups.
@STARTMENU@(Current User Directory\Start Menu): The folder containing the user's Start Menu contents.
@DESKTOP@(Current User Directory\Desktop): The current user's Desktop folder.
@TEMPLATES@(Current User Directory\Templates): The folder that serves as a common repository for the current user's document templates.
@FAVORITES@(Current User Directory\Favorites): The current user's Favorites folder.
@DOCUMENTS@(Current User Directory\Documents): The current user's Documents folder.
@MUSIC@(Current User Directory\Music): The current user's Music folder.
@PICTURES@(Current User Directory\Pictures): The current user's Pictures folder.
@VIDEOS@(Current User Directory\Videos): The current user's Videos folder.
@DOWNLOADS@(Current User Directory\Downloads): The current user's Downloads folder.
@PROFILE@(Current User Directory): The folder that stores the current user's profile data.
@STARTUPCOMMON@(All Users Directory\Start Menu\Programs\Startup): The folder containing startup items for all users.
@PROGRAMSCOMMON@(All Users Directory\Start Menu\Programs): The folder containing components shared across applications.
@STARTMENUCOMMON@(All Users Directory\Start Menu): The folder containing the Start Menu contents for all users.
@DESKTOPCOMMON@(All Users Directory\Desktop): The shared Desktop folder.
@TEMPLATESCOMMON@(All Users Directory\Templates): The folder that serves as a common repository for shared document templates.
@FAVORITESCOMMON@(All Users Directory\Favorites): The shared Favorites folder.
@DOCUMENTSCOMMON@(All Users Directory\Documents): The shared Documents folder.
@MUSICCOMMON@(All Users Directory\Music): The shared Music folder.
@PICTURESCOMMON@(All Users Directory\Pictures): The shared Pictures folder.
@VIDEOSCOMMON@(All Users Directory\Videos): The shared Videos folder.
@PROFILECOMMON@(All Users Directory): The folder that stores shared profile data.